Assoc Prof ENT Hospital Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City, VNM
Introduction: Laryngeal trauma is difficult to treat and it cause laryngeal stenosis if not being discovered and treated. How we can manage by endoscopy ?
Design: prospective clinical trial study. Research method: Using the optique rigid to evaluate and insert the tracheal balloon to dilatation and maintain the fracture of laryngeal trauma.
Results: 54 laryngeal trauma cases have been treated by balloon laryngoplasty Most of them are male, at labour age. Closed trauma is more frequent than open trauma. Hoarseness, dyspnea, subcutaneous emphysema are mostly seen. Endoscope, CTscan help to diagnose the trauma location. Success percentage was 85.1%.
Conclusions: The method balloon laryngoplasty through suspension endoscopic the management of laryngotracheal trauma is non-invasive, not difficult and technique can ensure a successful outcome.